Tuesday, September 13, 2011

the art of sexting to Worthen

Still out in the cold.

perennial battle against acid reflux


Meet Jay Sandak, a maverick spy with a penchant for the good life. In this novel, Sandak is offered a unique opportunity: to help midwife the memoirs of Anatoli Krutskov, a former KGB chairman.

Sandak takes this project to his former employer, the CIA, for the purpose of drawing new information from Krutskov on unsolved spy cases.

As Sandak progresses, he crosses paths with a CIA investigation of Nordex, said to be KGB Inc., and takes it on himself after CIA mysteriously stands it down.

The trail leads to Almaaty, Kazakstan, and sleazy a American "businessman" named Bef Mogus.

Meantime, Scheimer the publisher strives to remain in business long enough to publish the KGB chairman's secrets.

Twists and turns abound as Sandak tries to stay one step ahead of jet lag and bad guys, while Pikestaff fights a perennial battle against acid reflux